New York Times

“As Bang on a Can Returns, a New Generation Rises”

Los Angeles Times

“[Anthracite Fields] captures not only the sadness of hard lives lost…but also of the sweetness and passion of a way of daily life now also lost. The music compels without overstatement. This is a major, profound work..”

Boston Globe

“Brooklyn Rider is first and foremost a string quartet, and an excellent one at that, and its string quartet-ness neither defines nor limits its capabilities. Ride on.”


“‘A concert should be a gathering place for collective conversation and imagining’”Brooklyn Rider’s Nicholas Cords on Beethoven, Gratitud And The Power of Creativity”

Beat Australia

‘A concert should be a gathering place for collective conversation and imagining’

New York Times

At 50, the Kronos Quartet Is Still Playing for the Future

Musical America

Wild Up Meets Julius Eastman in a True “Radical Adornment”

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